in a mile

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

about me

My name is Emily and I'm a junior English major. I want to go to grad school in a big city and travel the world before I actually have to grow up. I spent the summer in Europe and would pay for a plane ticket back to Italy just to eat the gelatto. I have a world map on my wall with pins in all the places I want to go. Top of the list: Santorini, Dubai and Zanzibar. After all of that, I want to teach and coach at a boarding school somewhere in the south.

I run track and cross country here and am convinced that there is no such thing as a runner's high. The only runner's high I get is from the ice baths we take afterwards- they're amazing. Running is at times the thing I hate most but something I'm not sure what I would do without right now.

I love to read but am too indecisive to pick a favorite book. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Lords of Discipline and My Losing Season are all in the running though. Music is one of my favorite things ever as long as its not country. Friends is my all time favorite show but Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy and MXC are all close behind.


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